Welcome to Indianhead!

About us! We make compost. Plain and simple. We are locals in St. Augustine, Florida who have committed to this amazing process and believe in the opportunity composting presents to solve many issues of society.

We take “waste” (we call biosolids and bulking agents) and make something amazing. We get a lot of questions because let’s face it, we are one of a small handful of adventurers heading into this frontier and doing this kind of composting in the State of Florida. To take the mystery and hopefully the “ick” factor out of the amazing compost we produce, we are committed to telling our story, the process, the science, the uses, and the success, of biosolids composting. From our participation in studies, executing pilots, helping our neighbors be better bulking agent producers (you put what down that drain?), there is a lot to learn! We are taking the jargon out, and communicating directly.


Left: Our compost used as top dressing from seed approximately 1 month after planting on SR207 next to Veteran Affairs office. This is a great way to showcase property, improve soil, and reduce dust quickly.

We will be posting the following topics to the Blog section of IndianheadExploration.com and W.e.Are Planning.com and sharing once a week via social media. If you would like us to visit your group, class, or other to discuss, present, or otherwise about composting, biosolids, or policy, send us an email info@indianheadexploration.com or hello@weareplanning.com . Also, we do sell compost in any quantity, packaged, bulk, and delivered. Be part of the solution!

  • Best Practices Around the Globe Today and Yesterday

  • Best Practice - Minutemen -The Indianhead Approach

  • Pilot - Tree Farming

  • Pilot - The Natural Starter

  • Story - Poo Partners

  • Community - Kids Compost Connection

  • Community - Communtiy Compost Day

  • Policy - Plastics and Leaves

  • Policy - Where does the wood go?

  • Eduction - What is sludge anyway?

  • Policy -Ooooooh that smell? Management, mititgation, and measures


Horse Play Fall Festival Sponsored by Indianhead